in this “Pizza Restaurant Flyer Design” Photoshop tutorial, you’ll be learning how to design a CMYK Pizza restaurant poster from scratch in very easy-to-follow steps.

Tutorial Notes

  1. Create a new CMYK A4 document.
  2. go to File > Place Embedded to import the BG, Change its size, then hit Enter.
  3. Create a black Radial Gradient over the previous layer with a 160% scale.
  4. Create a New Layer with the name Border. Import the Dividers Brushes and make 4 borders on that layer.
  5. import “pizza.png” and place it in the center.
  6. import “Flour.png” and place it under the pizza layer.
  7. import the oregano, Basil1, and other components
  8. adjust each element’s position depending on your desire.
  9. after you feel comfortable with the final composition, pick the type Tool and add the header text and the footer text.
  10. Add some Adjustment Layers.

Video Tutorial

Tutorial Assets