in this “Pizza Restaurant Flyer Design” Photoshop tutorial, you’ll be learning how to design a CMYK Pizza restaurant poster from scratch in very easy-to-follow steps.
Tutorial Notes
- Create a new CMYK A4 document.
- go to File > Place Embedded to import the BG, Change its size, then hit Enter.
- Create a black Radial Gradient over the previous layer with a 160% scale.
- Create a New Layer with the name Border. Import the Dividers Brushes and make 4 borders on that layer.
- import “pizza.png” and place it in the center.
- import “Flour.png” and place it under the pizza layer.
- import the oregano, Basil1, and other components
- adjust each element’s position depending on your desire.
- after you feel comfortable with the final composition, pick the type Tool and add the header text and the footer text.
- Add some Adjustment Layers.