Whether you’re looking for a cartoon effect Photoshop tutorial or caricature Photoshop tutorial, this tutorial is absolutely made for you!
By using the new liquify filter you can learn how to make a stunning cartoon effect in Photoshop combined with the caricature effect and that would give you a great result.
Since this tutorial is based on smart objects, After finishing it you’ll learn how to cartoonize yourself or convert almost any photo into a cartoon effect with a couple of clicks.
Once you update a single smart object all other smart objects will be updated and the effect will be reapplied within a few seconds.

Tutorial Notes

  1. You’ll start by preparing your image and some notes around image size and resolution.
  2. After that, you will learn how to use liquify filter to make your image looks like a caricature.
  3. Then you will apply some filters like Oil Paint and Unsharp Mask to make the final result more cartoony.
  4. Finally, you’ll add some adjustment layers and learn how to reapply the whole effect within a few seconds.

Video Tutorial

Tutorial Assets