In this tutorial, you will learn how to convert any Photo into a Pencil Drawing Sketch Effect in Photoshop. the final output will have the look of pencil drawings and sketch effect. At the end of the tutorial, you’ll get a sketch mockup, that will enable to re-apply the sketch effect again completely on almost any photo in only a few seconds.
Tutorial Notes
- First, start by creating a new document with any values you like.
- Go to File > Place Embedded to import the image you want to apply the effect on it.
- Right-click the imported image and Convert to Smart Object.
- Rename it “Image”. Duplicate it, then Change Blend Mode to Color Dodge.
- Create Invert Adjustment Layer above. Right-click it and choose Create Clipping Mask.
- Select “Image Copy” Layer, then Go to File> Blur> Gaussian Blur.
- By changing Blur Radius, you can control the main sketch details density.
- Now add a Black/White Adjustment Layer at the very top.
- Select “Image Copy”, then add Levels Adjustment Layer.
- This is how to make the main sketch effect.
- To add more details you can duplicate the “image” layer multiple times, and apply some filters on each layer (Filter Gallery > Sketch, Charcoal & colored pencil).
- Change each layer opacity and blending mode to the proper values.
- And finally, add some adjustment layers.